Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter 2010

A Big Easter Weekend
Our holiday started with Mimi and Pop's visit and Ellie getting her big girl bed.
On Good Friday we went downtown to our favorite gelato cafe
Granny and Big Pa sent awesome baskets on Saturday
Thank you Granny!

The girls got their dresses on before we even came down to find that the Easter Bunny had in fact bounced by to leave us with plenty of great goodies. He even took our decoed eggs off the windowsill and hid them in the front yard before he left!
After church we headed to brunch and the girls loved being fancy

Those bags were full of the candy the Easter Bunny hid at the Club - we had a great hunt after brunch (see the live action below) and brought home as many ants in our chocolate as we did actual candy.
Happy Easter
Ellie sang us a praise song on the way home "We love Jesus, we love Jesus, yes we do, yes we do, He is risen, He is risen - hip hip hooray, hip hip hooray!!

The hunt ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cutest Easter dresses ever! Wish I could've been there. Love you guys! Happy Easter.