Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines

Our new puppy - Piper

Granny sent awesome Valentines packages for the girls

Ellie loved decorating jello hearts at our playdate

We got our new puppy - Piper - for Valentines and she is SOOO cute!! The girls love having her around and she's such a great dog. We had some friends over for a Valentines playdate and Kess had a great time at her Valentines party at school (she just couldn't believe she got a card from every single kid in her class - her words exactly) Today is Love Day - I made our traditional Valentines breakfast and we watched Kessler's new movie Madeline in our pjs. We love an excuse to love ;)

1 comment:

Doctor Family said...

That pup could be in a K9 catalogue. And your girls are growing up to me more precious every day!